Monday, December 12, 2011

CPUC Opt Out response deadline 12-12-11

Yes this is the day. You can fax (see Fax number in lower 'letter' entry) in your letter or try sending it certified with todays date. If you miss the date, send in your comment any way. Be sure to send a letter or letters to Governor Brown. He can pressure the CPUC to act.
Thanks for taking this time to insure we get real democracy and not some Corporate choice that hurts Americans.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Peevey does End run with watered down version of Opt Out; ignoring most demands

In the late cold, busy, holiday time of the year the CPUC (Calif. Public Utility Commission) does another undemocratic process: complete a controversial issue while most of us are busy with the holidays. President Mike Peevey continues to ignore 47 Cities and Counties and a couple dozen formal complaints that involve those municipalities and other concern organization. Even the CPUC's own Dept. Of Rate Payers has asked for the Opt Out to be free of charge.  President Peevey ignores concerns by citizens and considers PG&E proposal over all. The proposal ignores any sense of democracy, ignores renters who may not pay power directly, and others in homes. It ignores the greatest demand, keeping the Analog meter and it does not protect victims or concerned citizens in dense areas. Charging for the Opt Out kills any motivation to use it. This Opt Out is a clever chess move: Check mate! We lose! Corporate Utility Monopolies win! Heavily lobbied commissioners go on more Utility Junkets.

You can make a difference. Use the letters below or rewrite them and be sure to send them to Governor Brown, and the five Commissioners. It is important to send a copy to Peevey even though he will ignore it but it makes it a matter of record. Post 2009, 45,000 compliants and high profile response by a State Senator, Peevey's office had the audacity to say they had few complaints.

Refuse SmartMeters Mendocino feels we not only need to get a real Opt Out, that also allows entire communities to Opt out and remove Smart Infrastructure, we need to fix the regulatory system which appears to be ignoring its responsibility to protect Californians and listen and react to our complaints. Currently, the CPUC appears to parrot any desire of the Utilities; allowing rate increases to support cost that should be those of the Utility. SmartMeters will save and make money for the Utilities, but probably no more power than simply informing power users (Smartmeter industry article 2011.) The Utilities chant that wired systems are costly or difficult and yet Italy has a wired system. And what is the cost of a system if it injures its rate payers , creates medical cost for the same and drives them out of their homes and livelihoods? The lack of security is serious and even the US GAO has concerns. Wired systems are more accurate and faster.

Back during the time that the Railroads attempting to "railroad" the farmers with tariffs, low prices for food and high shipping charges. The Granges, a farmer's progressive movement, fought and got protective regulation. In 1947, the National Grange leader said that number one, Goverments should protect the citizens from abuse fiscally and physically. That is what our PUC is supposed to do, but it is clearly marching to another tune.

There is talk of a drive to create state iniative to change the way our CPUC is filled and to insure that there is a democratic rotation of the Commission's Presidency, to keep from potential graft and putting too much power in one President. One can not even talk directly to a commissioner or his/her assistants. How can they know what we want? We feel President Peevey has done a terrible job overseeing the SmartMeter process as well as the PG&E gas debacle. If there were regulated, paper trails, oversight of inspection, etc. would have avoided the current exposure of Californians to harm. Peevey needs to go!

See letters below and please send them ASAP.
thank you
Refuse Smartmeters Mendocino

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Opt Out proposal tainted Write now before 12-12-11: example letters

Governor Jerry Brown                                           Your address here or at
California State Capital  building                         end of letter. 
Sacramento, CA 95814                                        (Date of letter)

Dear Governor Jerry Brown

I am very concerned about PG&E and the CPUC SmartMeter rollout and Opt Out proposal. As 47 Cities and Counties plus many other groups raise concerns and lobby the CPUC, President Peevey considers a weaker version of the PG&E's original costly Opt Out proposal . The new Opt Out leaves a radio-off SmartMeter in the mix and lowers the cost. We want a no SmartMeter Opt Out that has no cost. I am concerned that SmartMeters are not safe, can error with overcharges, violates my privacy and has been seen to damage personal equipment (including personal bio-electric health devices) and in some cases spontaneously overheat and burn up. Furthermore, the meter is reported to create dirty electricity or digital power supply transients that cause Electro Hypersensitivity: headaches, heart arrhythmia, ringing ears, cognitive problems and cancer ( see “Dirty Electricity” by Sam Milham M.D.) You may not be aware that the World Health Organization has listed wireless RF (radio frequency radiation) as a type 2 carcinogen along with DDT and other pesticides. This is why many of us want to keep our Analog meters. EHS is rising in the world. A recent study (2006 "Will We All Become Electrosensitive?" ÖRJAN HALLBERG AND GERD OBERFELD) shows a trend in wireless areas leading to 50% of the population with EHS by 2017! This is not acceptable! EHS is bad news, it leaves victims dysfunctional. It forces folks to abandon their homes and livelihoods. This is not what California is about.

Consequently, I do not want this meter on my house. Since I (and my county/city write in city or county) have requested an Opt Out, I don’t understand why I should pay to not have something. This feels like extortion. The revised Opt Out charges for nothing new on our homes? California is notorious for minimizing environmental toxicity and yet the CPUC and PG&E are imposing this questionable technology on us with an Option that essential makes Californians have to have it. That is unacceptable.

Furthermore, the new Option mentions nothing about allowing victims in dense communities, protection from adjacent SmartMeters. The Option should allow impacted or those that do not want a Smartmeter to have a range of protection. That means totally removed from Condos and Apartments of impacted folks and define areas of protection in dense neighborhoods. The option does not consider those who live in rentals, or non bill payers. These potential victims have no voice! Finally, those communities that requested an Opt Out, should be allowed to Opt Out as a whole. In many of these cities and counties, these request preceded CPUC sanctioned deployment. Individual citizen in this state would be fined and tagged for this kind of behavior. PG&E used a variety of devious means to deploy. Also deployment (PG&E and CPUC terms) is a military term. This is a civilian friendly environment.

I am also very concerned about the way the CPUC lead by President Peevey is responding to a widespread complaint. Californians are not alone in these concerns as Maine, Ohio, British Columbia, Connecticut, Texas and Nevada have similar issues. President Peevey has supported the expenditure of rate payer money for PG&E mistakes and for a system that profits the Utility. Peevey and his commission ignore county and city governments. Who is the CPUC regulating for if not the people, cities and counties? What sort of regulation is this? Why is the commission lead by one continuous President? Only the Supreme court has that sort of structure and for a specific reason. I am aware of the utility funded junkets Peevey and Simon have attended. Regulation?

I request that President Peevey, who is also overseeing the PG&E gas line debacle be removed from office. I also demand that the CPUC have a rotating Presidency to avoid graft and too much power. Rotating presidencies is a basic democratic process.

In Summary:
- I want a no cost SmartMeter Opt out that allows us to keep our safe Analog meter.
- I want an option that protects victims and those requesting Opt Outs with
1) total building opt outs for any occupant making demand to Opt Out, and
2) high density minimal No SmartMeter or Analog meter only protection areas.
- I demand that communities be allowed to opt out.
and further that the CPUC allow those cities and counties erroneously deployed during this process to be fully undeployed at PG&E or the utility's expense.
- I request that Michael Peevey be removed from office and the CPUC have a rotational Presidency.

I would appreciate a response to my request. Thank you for considering my concerns.

Printed name

Letter to Commissioners:
Please send a copy to each commissioner: Michel Florio, Mark J. Ferron,
Catherine Sandoval, Timothy Simon, Pres. Michael Peevey

Commissioner (Commissioner's name)              (Your address here or at
California Public Utility                                        end of letter. )    
San Francisco Office (Headquarters)                (Date of letter)
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94102
FAX 415.703.1758                                                                             

Greetings Commissioner (Commissioner's Name)

I am very concerned about PG&E Opt Out proposal. As 47 Cities and Counties plus many other groups raise concerns and lobby, the new Opt Out proposal continues to include a radio-off SmartMeter  and a cost. I do not want a SmartMeter on my house. This is my domain, not a private corporation's Substation. I control what goes on or in my home as I insure the safety for its inhabitants. I am concerned that SmartMeters are not safe, can error with overcharges, violates my privacy and has been seen to damage personal equipment (including bio-electric implants,) and in some cases spontaneously overheat and burn up. Furthermore, the meter is reported to create dirty electricity or digital power supply transients that cause Electro Hypersensitivity (EHS): headaches, heart arrhythmia, ringing ears, cognitive problems and cancer (see “Dirty Electricity” by Sam Milham M.D.) You may not be aware that the World Health Organization has listed wireless RF (radio frequency radiation) as a type 2 carcinogen along with DDT and other pesticides. This is why many of us want to keep our Analog meters. EHS is rising in the world. A recent study (2006 "Will We All Become Electrosensitive?"ÖRJAN HALLBERG & GERD OBERFELD) shows a significant trend in wireless areas leading to 50% of the population with EHS by 2017! This is not acceptable. SmartMeters are 24/7 an currently mandated. The fact that 1600 meters failed in Bakersfield, a number over the rate payers paid for Structure report error levels, indicates significantly problems. Why did we pay to prove the meters performance? PG&E should have explored the thousand of complaints to determine the problems in situation, not on a bench.

Consequently, I do not want this meter on my house. Since I and my (county/city write in city or county) have requested an Opt Out, I don’t understand why I should pay to not have something. This feels like extortion. The revised Opt Out charges  for nothing new on our homes? California is notorious for minimizing environmental toxicity and yet the CPUC and PG&E are imposing this questionable technology on us with an Option that essential makes Californians have to have it. That is unacceptable. Who is regulating?

Furthermore, the new Option mentions nothing about allowing victims in dense communities protection from adjacent SmartMeters. The Option should allow impacted or those that do not want a Smartmeter to have a range of protection. That means totally removed from Condos and Apartments of impacted folks and define minimal areas of protection in dense neighborhoods. The option does not consider those who live in rentals, or non bill payers. These potential victims have no voice! Finally, those communities that requested an Opt Out, should be allowed to Opt Out as a whole. In many of these cities and counties, these request preceded CPUC sanctioned deployment. Cities and Counties are part of our democracy, in fact the closest to the people. You should listen to their concerns. Individual citizen in this state would be fined and tagged for this kind of behavior. PG&E used a variety of devious means to deploy. Also deployment (PG&E and CPUC terms) is a military term. This is a civilian friendly environment.

In Summary:
- I want a no cost SmartMeter Opt out that allows us to keep our safe Analog meter.
- I want an option that protects victims and those requesting Opt Outs with
1) total building opt outs for any occupant making demand to Opt Out, and
2) high density minimal No SmartMeter or Analog meter only protection areas.
- I demand that communities be allowed to opt out.
and further that the CPUC allow those cities and counties erroneously deployed during this process to be fully undeployed at PG&E or the utility's expense.

Printed name

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Smartmeter/wireless refugees


That's what you heard. In the county of Mendocino where a moratorium/ordinance against Smartmeters rests, refugees from as far away as San Diego, have run, leaving their homes and jobs and life, to find solace in a less wireless world.

Mountainous and well forested, this county is difficult to run wireless-ly and thus pockets remain where no wireless signals penetrate. It allows a place for those folks, who have become hypersensitive to electricity and wireless to recover. Yet the undemocratic California Public Utility Commission lead by once Con Ed executive, Mike Peevey and Utilities follow the dangerous mandate to blanket the entire state with this controversial and dangerous technology. It has folks running. I am aware of at least 15-20 people on the run; looking for safe haven.

Electro hypersensitivity is a relatively new term which could be coupled with Radar sickness of the 50s and 60s. Exposed residents suddenly find themselves with headaches, tinnitus, cognitive limits and heart arrhythmia. Once sensitized, victims can not live around traditional low level EMF sources like lighting, refrigerators and other appliances. Their recourse is to shut down the power in their homes or use direct current appliances that are expensive. As wireless devices blanket community, many of these victims are forced to live in special rooms shielded with ground wire mesh, wire mesh cloth or special metal bearing paints.
 Where is the safe place, the refugee camp? What happens to the life left behind? What about jobs left behind, houses? Is this the right direction.

In the world 10 % of Sweden and 5% of Ireland is EHS. The numbers are growing as the wireless grows. Dr. Ole Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, extrapolates using world data that 50% could be impacted by 2017 (2011.)

A mandatory roll-out of anything that makes some of our population ill is wrong and a form of torture. We are creating a devious version of Refugee camps here in the land of the free without democracy.

Hidden Smartappliance technology arrives, the toxic trojan horse enters homes

Buyer Beware!

With the roll-outover of the Smartgrid and the mandatory trespass of personal homes with Smartmeters, now comes a hidden onslaught of wireless devices in appliances. Sam Milham M.D. epidemiologist and author of important book "Dirty Electricity" discovered along with Cindy Sage of Sage and Associates discovered that RF radiation is emitting from new appliances. When queried, the company, in this case, Bosch, said it was not modifiable, always on. Although a short signal, it is a pulsing one and hardly once a day. Actually it is several times a minute.
Unbeknownst to you, you have entered the
Smartappliance zone
That means your home becomes wireless land rather you want it or not and without warning. If you happen to have an implant for health purposes, which are dangerously sensitive, you could be buying a trip to the hospital or the morgue with your next appliance purchase. That is the warning of the National Institute of health.

If you are a electro hypersensitive person, you may have purchased a greater annoyance that could drive you out of your home sooner.

This is an unlabelled trespass and the companies need to know that you are against it. Seems like any corporation can create anything, add it to an important product you need and not tell you. Thats the toxic trojan horse.  Buyer Beware!


Now more than ever, it is crucial that you tell these corporations immediately, that you don't want it. We will post 800 numbers and email links to allow you to do that and most of all. "DON'T BUY IT!"  Buying it is voting yes. Say no! Don't buy it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

42 cities and counties say No! to big Power and its dangerous Smartmeters

When Fort Bragg put up a resolution, 42 cities are saying No to Smartmeters and the Smartgrid. Counties are joining together to say:  "Un uh!" They are questioning unfair rate payer charges to opt out, demanding wired versions and concerning themselves with the dirty electricity that the not so smart monitoring system is adding to house holds. They worry about the wireless access points placed willy nilly near any household on private property under the guise of power line easements.

The big question for those looking closers is, why is the head of the California Public Utility Commission an ex Con Edison executive and shouldn't he recluse himself from decisions on Smartmeters?

Governor Brown recently shook up the CPUC with 3 new commissioners, but with President Michael Peevey, ex Con Edison exec. at the helm, the so called rate payers liaison is charting utility waters and not the ombudsman path it is intended to.

How many cities have to say no to get real consideration of the concerns? Why does the CPUC make all the decisions and override courts? Where is the representation and the democracy implied in this regulatory agency?

Smartmeters produce dirty electricity

What’s this? 
Dirty Electricity. 
It is happening in every home and office and even in electric cars and regular cars. It is produced from transients due to bad electrical connections, poor generation, and switching power supplies like those in computers, TVs, stereos, kitchen and laundry high tech, and all of the ubiquitous black boxes that hang on outlets or between laptops and the wall. Good resources are a recent film:,
You may learn what’s irking you, what’s making your kids fidgety (ADHD,) or causing cancer in your home. The new Smartmeters put it on your home 24/7. Right now without a Smartmeter, you can unplug or shut off most sources of Dirty electricity. Unfortunately you may be sharing your neighbors dirty appliances electricity. Graham and Stetzer made meters and devices to monitor and remove the dirt. Check out their sites. For a good review read Sam Milham's Dirty Electricity.

But say No to Smartmeters until they address this problem. Hey they could make a meter that cleans up all the dirty electricity and why not?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

excellent videos

The best site is which includes many videos of the EMF conference at the S.F. Commonwealth club meeting November 2010. These talks are worthy of your precious time as they are world class scientist and activists on this topic.   In particular are:
  • Dr. Martin Block Ph.D video who discusses DNA damage and RF impact on repair proteins.
  • Dr. Magda Havas Ph.D video as she concisely shows elegant studies of RF impacts on heart &  blood.
  • Stirling Childs M.S. geologist, naturalist video which addresses the impacts of RF on nature. 
  • Dr. Joel Moskowitz Ph.D video on unraveling the science on RF. Elegant means of mining for the truth.
  • Dr. Sam Milham M.D. video which is a look at the impact of Dirty Electricity. It will change the way you use power in your home. 3/11

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mendocinos County Smart Meter Moratorium-what it means

Now that Mendocino County has a moratorium there are some important concerns regarding the residents of Mendocino.
  • The moratorium covers the unincorporated areas (not the cities.)
    • Thus each city must have their own moratorium. Lobby your city council person with phone calls and letters. Sign the Refuse Smart Meter petition, so it can be used with your city council. These have effect and was the main reason Supervisors supported the County wide moratorium. You can help further by contacting
  • Sheriff Allman says he will support the moratorium, but that his budget does not allow him to respond with deputies. He said he will  take reports and act. Installation is a misdemeanor in our county.
    • We are developing a report form, or affidavit of violation that could be used as a citizens arrest. Make sure you mark your power and gas meter locations with weather proof signs (many located at local natural food stores.) We recommend you take a picture of these notes with your signature and date it as a record of your concern.
  • PG&E claims it will not honor the moratorium per mandate from the California Public Utilities, yet no meters have been installed in the county since the moratorium went into effect.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

FORMER PG&E CONTRACTOR ALLEGES SMART METER SAFETY LAPSES Smart Meter Ignition Risk “Could Lead to Another San Bruno”

January 26, 2011

Smart Meter Ignition Risk “Could Lead to Another San Bruno”
Joshua Hart
Director, Stop Smart Meters!

San Francisco- A former employee of Wellington Energy, a company under contract with PG&E to install 10 million wireless ‘smart’ meters throughout California, has decided to go public today with allegations that he believes the company is risking public safety by installing meters that pose a fire risk and failing to train meter technicians adequately. The former employee- who has opted to keep his identity secret- worked for Wellington Energy for four months in 2010. During that time, he observed practices that- in his opinion- could result in one of the new meters producing an “arc” and igniting a gas leak. At the time of the fatal explosion in September, the City of San Bruno was fully installed with the new meters. Questions to the CPUC and PG&E about what precautions were taken before installing the new wireless meters (that have the potential to produce sparks) in close proximity to natural gas equipment have so far gone unanswered.

Mendocino Cty blocks PG&E Smart Meter Roll-out

Mendocino Supervisors responded to an outcry by citizens regarding the PG&E Smart Meter roll out. Supervisor Dan Hamburg(5th district) told concerned citizen in the Tuesday board meeting that PG&E had not responded adequately to the concerns heard at the Ft Bragg board meeting in October. At that meeting, two PG&E representatives presented the Smart Meter system designed to  remotely meter  power and gas, plus control of the meters via wireless communication. The meters utilize a second wireless transceiver to communicate and control upcoming Smart Appliances included Smart thermostats. Although the latter is currently voluntary, PG&E representative, Austen Sharp said that the California Public Utility Commission mandates that all houses and businesses will have smart meters and the remote control of personal home appliances.