Wednesday, March 2, 2011

excellent videos

The best site is which includes many videos of the EMF conference at the S.F. Commonwealth club meeting November 2010. These talks are worthy of your precious time as they are world class scientist and activists on this topic.   In particular are:
  • Dr. Martin Block Ph.D video who discusses DNA damage and RF impact on repair proteins.
  • Dr. Magda Havas Ph.D video as she concisely shows elegant studies of RF impacts on heart &  blood.
  • Stirling Childs M.S. geologist, naturalist video which addresses the impacts of RF on nature. 
  • Dr. Joel Moskowitz Ph.D video on unraveling the science on RF. Elegant means of mining for the truth.
  • Dr. Sam Milham M.D. video which is a look at the impact of Dirty Electricity. It will change the way you use power in your home. 3/11